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AiM SmartyCam RPM Bridge With USB Cable


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SmartyCam RPM Bridge with USB Cable, is for cars with no ECU. RPM data is obtained from the coil or square wave from the ignition.


RPM Bridge is an interface designed to allow RPM overlay on SmartyCam GP HD videos when the car has got no engine control unit (ECU) this can happen with classic cars or particular car categories. 


Aim SmartyCam RPM Bridge



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SmartyCam RPM Bridge with USB Cable, is for cars with no ECU. RPM data is obtained from the coil or square wave from the ignition.


RPM Bridge is an interface designed to allow RPM overlay on SmartyCam GP HD videos when the car has got no engine control unit (ECU) this can happen with classic cars or particular car categories. 


Aim SmartyCam RPM Bridge




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