RS3 Analysis
All data into a database, to allow a quicker availability of bigger quantities of data. The xrk files saved by AiM devices contain more information, if compared to drk files. The technology embedded in our database let us take all the benefits of these information.
Upon download, all new data will be automatically added to the database, with a minimum time spent in the operation, roughly the same as the time spent converting into the drk format.
Importing previous data into the database is rather simple: you can either choose whether to import all sessions data contained into a specific folder (and its subfolders) or directly choose which xrk (and/or mov) data files to import.
During the import process, the database engine will be automatically recognizing which xrk and mov files are linkable and will purpose them as linked. For this to be happening automatically you need a recent firmware (roughly maximum one year old now, and SmartyCam must have been connected to the device while logging).
There's a document that gives directions upon adding or importing sessions into the database.
Preview feature, allowing users to check some sessions information without opening the session for analysis. The preview window prompts different information, dedicated, for every session mode: on track racing, oval racing, performances, dragsters...
Laps Report, useful to look into the most relevant channel(s) values before opening a session in analysis;
- Change channel;
- Zoom with mouse wheel;
- Mouse over lap in graphic colors the lap red in the list;
- Sort by lap time or by lap order or by value;
Laps Summary, useful to analyze data trends from one or more sessions;
- Add/remove a channel;
- Change plot axes;
Track Map, for a quick view at driven lines;
Weather, to keep more information under control.
A new sessions lineup grants you a quicker overview of your days on track. It's another representation for the same data:
- Divided by days (left to right it's hours in the day);
- "Ctrl + MouseWheel" you can zoom, "MouseWheel" alone scrolls;
- Click on the header to select one hour;
- Ctrl + Click to select more sessions.
The new windows layout has been designed to be easier than before, and to better use the space on screen. We'll explain later.
Showing linked data and video will be as simple as selecting a lap and moving a cursor in the time/distance plot, in the map or in the video window.
Analysis can be performed in time mode or distance mode, as it has always been, and in a new mode now called Global Timing. This new mode is best used when analyzing data sessions coming from the same event.
The increasing performances of GPS in the last years and improvements in our data model allowed us a new feature that we called super stretch. These two images can witness what we're saying here.
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Web based maps are now available, allowing you to show driven line data on a nicer base, the former track base always being available in case no internet connection is available. You can also try different tile providers.
Views can be arranged over multiple monitors, drag and drop tabs into another monitor to allow this.
Available templates, now, are:
Time / distance plot
- Loaded sessions;
- Meaningful channels on top;
- Channels search bar (name or units);
- Map defaulted on bottom;
- Movie window (only when movies are available);
- GPS Time (or global time, corrected using TX & DST);
- Storyboard on bottom;
- Different from RS2A, each channel has its own histogram;
Channels report
- Select the channels you want, with the function you want;
Track Map
- Shows driven line;
- Coloring based on speed;
- Shows also AiM track;
- Synchronized with maps and with time/distance;
- Select a lap to enable its own window;
... news asap.
The first thing everyone will notice is that the RS3 beta is asking for a registration. We need it for a couple of reasons.
- Knowing who's pleased to test our software, allowing a more direct feedback and a warmer cooperation;
- Weather information, available for the place and time of every session (up to 1 year back), and available as forecast in the tracks database page;
- Future services, that we'll be introducing in future webinars.
There's a document that gives directions upon registering and logging in.
For any feedback we're kindly asking for data, in order to reproduce issues or bugs on our systems.